Option 6: Technical Larinier Fish Pass or Baffles/Pre-Barrage on East Weir


This option would consist of either installing a low cost technical fish pass, such as a Larinier; or a low cost baffle (pre-barrage) fish pass on the east weir to improve fish passage. In addition, to ensure the successful migration of fish through the east weir culvert, fish friendly modifications to the culvert, such as baffles, could be implemented

Concept Design

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Option 6 has the potential to allow for the safe passage of fish and eels through Shepley Mill, contribute to GEP under the WFD and comply with the Eels Regulations, although the hydraulics of the east culvert may not be suitable for fish passage even with baffles, which may not be achievable to retrofitted in response to the confined constraints of the culvert.  In addition, the culvert appears to have higher velocities (than the west weir culvert) in response to a steeper slope which may limit upstream fish migration even if baffles could be retrofitted. Overall the suitability of this option to meet the project objectives is considered Moderate Low.  Would need additional habitat restoration solutions, such as channel narrowing, desilting and bed regrading,  planting of silt deposition bars, flow deflectors and refuge areas.